International Perspectives on Parenting and Child Development
Researchers from the Parenting Across Cultures longitudinal study will present their findings on the effects of the pandemic, health-compromising and risky behaviors, education, work, and intimate partnerships during this half-day conference. For 14 years, research teams in nine countries have been collecting dozens of measures every year from parents and children in China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, the Philippines, Sweden, Thailand, and the United States. The study began in 2008 with nearly 1,500 8-year-old children and their mothers and fathers.
Stata Applied Methods Talks
DUPRI will be hosting Chuck Huber from StataCorp on Tuesday, October 4 to give three talks on applied methods using Stata. The talks will be Introduction to Mediation Analysis, Multilevel/Longitudinal Modeling, and Latent Class Analysis. In addition to the talks, lunch will be provided. To attend this event, you must RSVP to Laura Satterfield no later than Monday, October 3.
Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Location: Gross Hall, Room 230E
Time: 12PM - 4PM
6th Annual Social Networks and Health workshop, co-sponsored by DUPRI, May 10-12
The Social Networks and Health (SN&H) workshop, sponsored by the Duke Network Analysis Center (DNAC) and DUPRI, offers comprehensive training in network methods for health scholars. Thanks to generous support from the NIH, we offer this training completely free of charge.
SN&H covers topics in social network analysis related to studying health behaviors, including:
DUPRI to Host Text Analysis using R Workshop on April 20
DUPRI will be hosting a workshop, Text Analysis using R, on April 20. This 4-hour training (one morning and one afternoon session) provides an introduction to computational text analysis using R. It will cover data import and formatting, cleaning and prepping documents, data visualization, exploratory analysis, basic network analysis, and topic modeling. Some prior experience using R is recommended.