
GLHLTH 637K: Population-Environment Dynamics and Health

This course examines population, health and environment (PHE) dynamics with a focus on interactions occurring in countries classified as developing or transition economies. Students will gain knowledge of the theoretical and empirical approaches governing PHE dynamics from multiple disciplinary perspectives, including those from geography, public health / epidemiology, demography, and economic.

PUBPOL 608S: Economics of the Family

At least as much as any other institution, families can distribute resources among their members across time and space, spread risk, and foster cooperation. In this seminar, we will examine some of the ways that extended families function as economic institutions, and how the institution of the family interacts with other more formal institutions to affect policy outcomes.

SOCIOL 726S: Advanced Methods of Demographic Analysis

This course covers the life table and stationary population models, method of estimation of life tables, multiple-decrement and increment-decrement life tables, the stable population model, model age schedules for mortality, nuptiality, fertility, and migration, survival analysis and hazard regression models, the random walk life table model and its extensions, and applications of computer packages for demographic analysis.

PUBPOL 840S: Introductory Demographic Measures and Concepts

This is an introductory course to the techniques used to investigate a number of important population processes which have major implications for global health and health inequalities, and public policy: population change (growth and decline), fertility change and patterns, population health and disease patterns, mortality and causes of death, population movements.