Upcoming DUPRI Seminars

Spring 2025
Date Speaker Talk Title Position Institution
1/09/2025 Shuyi Qiu DOHA*: The Long Arm of Family Structure On Offspring’s Trajectory of Wealth Accumulation and Allocation Pattern in early and Middle Adulthood Graduate Student, Sanford School of Public Policy Duke University
1/16/2025 Karen Guzzo Fertility Decision-Making in the U.S. in an Era of Uncertainty Director, Carolina Population Center
Professor of Sociology
University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
1/23/2025 Bridget Goosby

From Linear to Complex: Immune System Dynamics and Health Inequities in a Racialized Society

Professor of Sociology University of Texas at Austin

Brenda Onyango

Madelynn Wellons

DOHA*: A Proposal for Studying the Effect of Medicaid Expansion on the Black-White Gap in Diabetes Management Outcomes

DOHA*: Spread of Sleep Behavior through Social Networks

Graduate Student, Sociology

Graduate Student, Sociology

Duke University

Duke University

2/06/2025 Abba Greenleaf Dynamics of HIV Prevention Practices among Young Women in Eswatini Assistant Professor of Population and Family Health Columbia University
2/13/2025 Deirdre Bloome Family Tree Branches and Southern Roots: Contemporary Racial Differences in Marriage in Intergenerational and Contextual Perspective Peter and Isabel Malkin Professor of Public Policy Harvard University

Isabella Bouklas

Fatima Fairfax

DOHA*: Racial Residential Segregation and Cognitive Decline Across the Life Course

DOHA*: Perceived Racial Treatment and Mental Health Across Black and White Generational Cohorts

Graduate Student, Sociology

Graduate Student, Sociology

Duke University

Duke University

2/27/2025 Martha Bailey The Cost of Contraception Limits Reproductive Autonomy: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial Director, California Center for Population Research
Professor of Economics
University of California–Los Angeles
3/06/2025 Jason Schnittker FDA Organizational Dynamics and Pharmaceutical Side Effects Professor of Sociology University of Pennsylvania    
3/20/2025 Jennifer Candipan Mobility network approaches for studying neighborhood inequality and change Assistant Professor of Sociology Brown University

Garrett Baker


AP Pittman

DOHA*: Parental Incarceration and Child Safety: Evidence from Wisconsin


DOHA*: Anti-Trans Legislation and Mental Health: Spillover Effects

Graduate Student, Sanford School of Public Policy

Graduate Student, Sociology

Duke University


Duke University

4/03/2025 Zach Ward Like Great-grandfather, Like Great-grandson? Multigenerational Mobility in American History Associate Professor of Economics Baylor University
4/17/2025 Lauren Gaydosh   Associate Professor of Sociology UNC Chapel Hill

*DOHA (Demography of Health and Aging) seminars are predoctoral student-led seminars.